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dinsdag 22 oktober 2024


Tariq Stark


Tariq Stark

Team: Reptielen & Amfibieën
Functie: projectleider
Vestiging: Nijmegen
Telefoon: 024-7410600
Linkedin: Open

Expertise en Onderzoeksvelden

  • Amfibieziektes
  • Monitoring reptielen
  • Monitoring amfibieën
  • Internationaal
  • Exoten
  • Social media

Geselecteerde publicaties

  • Byrne A.Q., Vredenburg, V.T., Martel, A., Pasmans, F., Bell, R.C., Blackburn D.C., Bletz, M.C.,Bosch. J., Briggs, C.J., Brown, R.F., Catenazzi, A., López, M.F., Valbletz-Figueroa, R., Cenzuela, M., Ghose, S.L., Jaeger, J.R., Jani, A.J., Jirku, M., Knapp, R.A., Muñoz, A., Portik, D.M., Richards-Zawacki, C.L., Rockney, H., Rovito, S.M., Stark, T., Sulaeman, H., Tao, N.T., Voyles, J., Waddle, A.W., Yuan, Z., Rosenblum, E.B. (2019). Cryptic diversity of a widespread global pathogen reveals expanded threats to amphibian conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201908289.
  • Arias-Robledo, G., Wall, R., Szpila, K., Shpeley, D., Whitworth, T., Stark, T., King, R.A., Stevens, J. R. (2019). Ecological and geographical speciation in Lucilia blowflies: Evolution of amphibian obligate parasitism. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife.
  • Arias‐Robledo, G., Stark, T., Wall, R. L., & Stevens, J. R. (2019). The toad fly Lucilia bufonivora: its evolutionary status and molecular identification. Medical and veterinary entomology, 33(1), 131-139.
  • Stark, T., Brouwer, D., Ploeg, R., & Lenders, T. (2017). First record of phoresy or possible parasitism of the fresh water leech Helobdella stagnalis (Linnaeus, 1758)(Rhynchobdellida: Glossiphoniidae) on Lissotriton helveticus (Razoumowsky, 1789)(Caudata: Salamandridae) in the Netherlands. Herpetology Notes, 10, 717-719.
  • Stark, T., Laurijssens, C.C.M., Weterings, M., Martel, A., Spitzen – van der Sluijs, A., Köhler, G., Pasmans, F. (2017). Prevalence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in a Nicaraguan, micro-endemic Neotropical salamander, Bolitoglossa mombachoensis. Amphibia-Reptilia 38(1):102-107
  • CABI. (2016). Wrinkled frog (Rugosa rugosa) [original text by Tariq Stark]. In: Invasive Species Compendium. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.
  • Loehr, V.J.T., Stark, T., Weterings, M., Kuipers, H. (2015) Overcoming low environmental temperatures in the primary feeding season: low-level activity and long basking in the tortoise Homopus signatus. Amphibia-Reptilia 36(3):207-214
  • Stark, T., Laurijssens, C.C.M., Weterings, M. (2014). Distributional and natural history notes on five species of amphibians and reptiles from Isla Ometepe, Nicaragua. Mesoamerican Herpetology. 2: 308312.
  • Stark, T., Laurijssens, C.C.M., Weterings, M., Spitzen – van der Sluijs, A., Martel, A., Pasmans, F. (2014) Death in the clouds: ranavirus associated mortality in assemblage of cloud forest amphibians in Nicaragua
  • Beukema, W., Erens, J., Schulz, V., Stegen, G., van der Sluijs, A. S., Stark, T., Laudelot, A., Kinet, T., Kirschey, T., Poulain, M., Miaud, C., Steinfartz, S., Martel, A., Pasmans, F. (2021). Landscape epidemiology of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans: reconciling data limitations and conservation urgency. Ecological Applications.
  • Spitzen‐van der Sluijs, A., Stark, T., DeJean, T., Verbrugghe, E., Herder, J., Gilbert, M., Janse, J., Martel, A., Pasmans, F., Valentini, A. (2020). Using environmental DNA for detection of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in natural water. Environmental DNA, 2(4), 565-571.
  • Canessa, S., Spitzen‐van der Sluijs, A., Stark, T., Allen, B. E., Bishop, P. J., Bletz, M., Briggs, C. J., Daversa, D. R., Gray, M. J., Griffiths, R. A., Harris, R. N., Harrison, X. A., Hoberman, J. T., Jervis, P. Muths, E., Olason, D.H., Price, S. J., Richards-Zawacki, C., Robert, J., Rosa, G.M., Scheele, B. C., Schmidt, B. R., Garner, T. W. (2020). Conservation decisions under pressure: Lessons from an exercise in rapid response to wildlife disease. Conservation Science and Practice, 2(1), e141.


RAVON is een onafhankelijke kennisorganisatie die samen met vrijwilligers de inheemse reptielen, amfibieën en vissen beschermt. RAVON, FLORON en Paddenstoelenonderzoek Nederland zijn onderdeel van Stichting Natuur Onderzoek Nederland.

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Telefoon: 024-7410600

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